Wednesday, September 29, 2010

えいが (Movie)

わたしはえいががすきです。わたしはすいようびしちじはんからじゅにじまでえいがみました : "The Town" & "Eat Pray Love."
"The Town"のdirectorとmain actorはBen Affleckです。Although some Boston accents were hard to understand (for a person with English as her second language), I really liked this movie. The action scenes were nice, but what I liked more was the human touch to the crime thriller filled with great character dynamics.  The whole cast also performed very well. Ben Affleck is a gifted writer and director (also wrote "Good Will Hunting" with Matt Damon)!

While watching "Eat Pray Love", I kept thinking おなかすいた。The movie was a bit long, but it made me think back on my trips to Italy and Bali. I want to go travel!


Joy said...

The Townはホラーえいがですか。みてみたいけど、ホラーえいがはこわいです。

Homin said...

JEANさんホラーえいがですか。わたしわきのうはにょ(하녀) みました。そのえいがもホラーじゃありませんですか. scary movieでした。

ylee7 said...

はじめまして!わたしはりーです。ノートルダムだいがくのがくせいです。:)わたしもかんこくじんです^^*そして、わたしもええがをだえすき!I really wanted to see eat,pray,love since i read the novel. I am intrigued by you to actually go watch it! :)

Cameron said...

はじめまして。 ぼくは ブライッシュです。 ぼくも ノトルダムだいがくのがくせいです。すきとだいすきってなんですか? (What do すき and だいすき mean?) My mom read the book Eat, Pray, Love and said it was boring... That Town movie looks interesting though! :D

Kendy Imrith said...

Jean さんは action movies だいすき です ね?
I really want to see THE TOWN TOO!